Own yourself

Each person lives with expectations. If these expectations are high in volume and persons, life becomes miserable. Because of these expectations makes him more careless for him, for his family and for his society. One tries to leave her work and responsibilities to other person and don’t want to go ahead himself. This happens in every life and if these expectations are not fulfilled we become sad. Most of the time reason for the sorrow is only expectations to others.

Thus sorrow from others is the biggest lie which each person says himself. He only runs from his responsibilities toward himself. Suppose old parents say that my child hadn’t taken me to a doctor when I am ill it is a lie, instead, he should think I hadn’t gone to the doctor myself. So the blame to the others is a weak route while taking own responsibility on himself is the route of happiness.

Thus sometimes we don’t own ourselves and leave ourselves to others hand. That spoils our life and our life’s happiness. The different path is that you should take responsibility for each incident of your life besides leaving up to others. And we should try to take correct decisions to oneself and if it becomes wrong we should also accept that. It is our mistake. This should happen for each incident of our life. The whole meaning of that is own ourselves and never leave ourselves to leave in the hand of others. This thought should be developed from our children.
The thought of owning will give a person self-reliance, self-confident, competitive strength to fight, careful behavior, the capacity to fight in struggle time and at last good and happy life. The 90% of sorrow of life will end up. So besides blaming others, we should blame our self for the troubles of our life.

Owning ourselves is the first step of owning our life. It means after owning himself a person should own his family secondly, And thirdly own his society also. Suppose if a problem occurs in our family. It is our responsibility is to resolve it. While never leave on another family member. And this will go like that for our society. Our nation, our world and up to our universe, these family, society, nation, world and universe all makes a person’s life. That concludes one should own his life also. If a person goes like that he will never criticize problems and others, and he will always try to find solutions to his life. These problems will never create sadness, while he will accept all problems and try to resolve it; it will give happiness to him.

Thus the conclusion of this research is that you should own yourself and own your life also. Besides happiness, this owning will put you on the right track of your life and also make you successful in your life. Because the big hurdle of unsuccessful, carelessness will end up.

Extra intelligence may be harmful

The brain has enormous capability and intelligence that can be used to solve problems. It means intelligence helps in solving problems of life. But it depends on person to person, how he uses it? But there may be some cases where intelligence and cleverness harms a person’s life.

Extra intelligence and cleverness is a process by which people bypass the upcoming problems of life. Therefore this can help a person to solve a problem in advance. And it also keeps one away from upcoming real-time problems. So in this way, this is the method by which people run from the problem and fight. For example, an incident has happened in front of a certain person. But at the time of inquiry suppose he goes away saying, he didn’t see anything. So he escapes from the problem of inquiry. But at last in the investigation. If real truth comes out, then he will go in a much bigger problem. So in the long term, he caught.

Therefore extra intelligence can save us from problems. But in reality, it makes us runner of problems and makes us weaker to fight.
In problem-solving exercise, one should go in simple, natural and organic ways only. The running from the problem can only delay the real problem, which will convert in the worst condition. And it lasts with a wound.

Therefore extra intelligence and cleverness only make a person runner. But the best way to solve a problem is to understand it, fight it and remove it. This whole should be done by the organic and natural way only. By his way smell problems become smaller and smaller otherwise it becomes bigger and bigger.

Therefore the best way to live a life to live organic way. Fight of lives never be ended without a fight. So, therefore, enjoy fighting and enjoy problems and enjoy living. This is the best way.

Cowardness in a Man

Every person faces problems in life. But their behavior is different in different condition. Sometimes people stand in front of the problem and face it with boldly and bravely. But in some cases, their behavior changes. They just want to run from the problem and for this, he speaks lies, cheats other person and finds a short cut to get rid of the problem. This whole thing one can say cowardice of a man.

Is running from life problems is a solution to any problem? How far you can run? Can you escape from your life? You should remember that your life cannot give you a chance to escape from problems. They always come and go, and only in this way you can live your life. You cannot run from the problem by lying or cheating or by using the shortcut. If one did that a time one day it comes back and harms more. For example, if you have done a mistake, but you tell others that it is not your work, but a day later you are caught lying, what will be your situation? Therefore cowardice never helps a person.

This is not the main problem of cowardice. There are some issues which can be created because of your cowardice. First and most important is by becoming coward you weaken yourself. Your dignity, your self-esteem, your confidence, and your mental stability will go down and down. The second issue of cowardice is your problem is still not erased. Still, it will come in front of you again and again. The third issue is your respect will also go down in front of other people. The fourth issue is you never stand up against similar problems. And guilt will always be created in your mind and heart which will give you more pain.

Then what should be done for a better life? The only solution to any problem in one’s life is facing that problem bravely, boldly and smartly. For example, if you had done some mistake, then the best way is that you accept it that you had done this by mistake and do remedies for that. In this way, the problem will end. By doing this next time you also not repeat the same kind of mistake also. So maximum time you erase similar problem for life long. Therefore don’t run from your problem but face them bravely.

Every person has somewhat cowardice in his behavior. But it should be minimized as possible. It is a learning graph. For a person now he is learning how his life and also living a better life. If he reduces cowardice level-up to 98% or more, then only he is a brave man. It means his cowardice level is 2% only. But normal people cowardice level today is 30 to 60%. So, therefore, stand in front of the problem and face it and find a solution with braveness.

The benefit of your braveness first is your problem will end from roots. Second is a small problem will fear from you. It means small problems will be easily solved. The third benefit is your life will become happy, easy, beautiful and strong. Therefore make yourself enough strength to face the life problem which can be any kind.

Negativity versus importance

Some of the persons in our life seem negative. They harm themselves and others through negativity. They look all time sad from others and themselves. They initiate from others. They indulge, criticize, and condemn others. Some negativity can be found in all the persons. But some persons have great negativity. From where it comes?

Negativity is actually a fight of the importance of that person. Which persons feel less important in the family and society around him become negative. Every person always wants importance in all the phases and places of life. But still, they didn’t achieve that, therefore they become negative. They start to reduce the importance to others. They show other people around them are short than themselves. They create and fell incident that they got much importance. They insult, criticize and irritate others to show that they were short then them.

Therefore negativity is a fight of importance. Most of the women’s become negative because they got less importance in society and in their family also yes importance is their right but our societies and families are showing injustice towards them. Women are loved in families and societies but the importance is never given. This is also a case in backward caste and classes also. They got less importance in society, therefore they also become negative. For equality, it is necessary that importance should be equally distributed to all the classes of society.

But it is doesn’t mean that negative persons can run from their responsibilities to do better their life. They can get importance only and only through contribution and any other ways. If you give more contribution to family and society you will win greater importance. Makes yourself strong and give more contribution to your family and society. Importance can be achieved through in right ways.

Therefore importance is not your destiny. It depends on your action. Rani Laxmi Bai got importance in man’s society because of her action not by negativity. So understand your present position and do betterment towards your families and society. One day you will get more importance and your negativity will be reduced also.

Tease others means tease your self

This world is so beautiful that one cannot see in his entire life. But most persons want to see only the dark part of society. Why is so? Is it the right approach?
Every person in our society thinks that he is much bigger and smarter than others. This thought is 100% right because it helps to become bigger and smarter than others. It also causes the competitive strength of that person. So this thought can channelize his potential and helps to grow him.

But the real problem occurs when every person thought others are fools or lower and he sees always other negative parts. This is the most dangerous human feeling which takes a person in a negative direction. It stops one to perform in the real world and wants to stop others. That’s the reason he went to tease others.

Teasing is one of the biggest evil of human behavior where you want to humiliate others by criticizing. The point of criticizing maybe renuting or genuine. But it always hurt others.
It creates three kinds of problems. The first problem is that it stops one’s himself to perform better. One went to go ahead by humiliating others. But others downfall depends on themselves competitive strength. So 99% don’t go down. But in turns, it stops you to increase your performance. So ultimately 90% chance is you decrease your competitive strength and your action. When you see the whole society the most criticizers were good in mental status but in the success, they were worst. It is because your energy goes in teasing others.

The second problem is, it circulates in your mind round and round in a day or an up to a week. That decrease to enjoy to live your life. One always remains in tension if he teases/criticizes others. Its mental palm of pleasing is gave away. He can never be happy at before or after teasing, so self-satisfaction goes in downfall also. So teasing others not troubles others but yourself.
The third problem is known to everyone that is if you tease/criticize someone, he will be never happy with you. Your image goes down in his views. He never respects you with heart And also he may go to tease or bad words to you which can decrease your relationship low.

So teasing/criticizing others is a bad habit of human behavior. The right approach is you see the best thing of others and admire those things in front of him. Make yourself better than others without humiliating others. One’s happiness and success ratio will be more than others.

Greed pay more or less

Market ad agencies reinforce a man’s desire to get something by little or less pay. This is their job and they do that smartly. But the end of these transactions normally gives sadness to the buyer. Cheap goods & gift with consumable goods are the main attraction to buyers.

Below fair price consumable goods how can be obtained? Is it possible? It is possible only by reducing the cost of good. Because the profit of the manufacturer or supplier can never be reduced more. Because if manufacturer or supplier reduce their profit they cannot survive at all. So ultimately it comes on the cost of a good or service.

For the same scale of product or service normally cost comes the same. Then how can be different pricing. So different pricing of any product or services means the different quality of product & services. So if you find any cheap product or service, you should imagine that it will be substandard or lower quality.

But some people may say. This company can give the same product cheap because it produces on a big scale. Yes, cost changes because of different scale. But one should understand that big company also have much management cost than a smaller one. Their advertising is also much more than a smaller one.

So one should understand a fair price for a product or service. Below this fair price one cannot find his desire. When one desire cheap product or service, he ends on less quality of product & service. So the result becomes product & service more expensive and uncomfortable.

This theory is applicable to most of the product & service. When one bargain more for any product or service. He always finds an inferior product or service. One should understand in this market he cannot find cheap or free product & service. If one company gives free or cheap he will take more than others from you. So greed always pays less.

The same principle goes into one’s personal life also. If he runs towards short profit he normally compromises his genuine profit which he can easily get. It means making or understanding others fool last becoming himself a fool. So greed never pays. He runs to get more and he gets less.

Greed is inversely proportional to the mental potential

Here I think that every person or human being has the potential to achieve which they want but basically which is lacking in most of the cases is one’s mental potential. In most cases, people don’t know how much they have the potential to achieve their dreams. Because their self-esteem is very low. So they always want a short cut to achieve their dreams. They adopt the wrong path for their dreams.

As corruption is a short cut to get money. But corrupt people never know their potentials and they did not believe themselves. So they choose the wrong path to make money. If they feel their actual potential they never choose the wrong path.
So the education system should be like that mental power of a person is high. And he can compete in global competition.

As you thought as you made

Different person have different behaviour. It is universal truth that thinking of two people never match on each subject. They may agree on some aspect of other’s thinking, but in all respect they never think same. Some person influenced from other, still they did not match their thinking. Thinking of a man never depends on others but it depends on himself.

A person’s action in his life depends on his past and present thinking, and thought process. Yes conditions may impact your thinking. But final thought process is depending on him only. Because how a person read a condition is again depend on thinking process of him. So ultimately one’s previous thoughts make future thoughts.

Therefore behaviour and action of a person is proportional to thinking of him. As he thinks in a particular subject, he behaves like that only. Like for example if he feels that he is week in a particular subject and aspect, he behaves and take action like that only. And didn’t take interest in that subject and also do not hard work in that direction. At last he becomes weak in that subject in reality.

Vice versa, if a person feels that he is very strong in any subject, he take interest and work hard in that subject. At last he becomes master in that particular field.
So therefore as a person thought about him, he behaves and take action like that only. So implication comes that he become like that only.
Therefore one person should think about himself good and positive only. If he thought and talk positive about himself, he converts that kind of man always. So thinking should also improve with time, so that improvement in himself comes with time.

Therefore better you think about yourself and better you can become yourself. Always remember that if you talk or think negative about yourself, ultimately you will be like that only. So thinking in right direction is must. Remember that nobody can make you, you only make yourself. Always say to all good works, “yes”, I should do, and never say “yes”, to bad works and say yourself that you can’t do. This the way you will be away from the mistakes.