Make angriness power not weakness

Some person’s behavior in the society has great no. of angriness. They may be called all the time angry people. These angry people disturb with small problems and waste their energy by representing their anger. A small obstacle disturbs their mind and heart. By producing anger they first disturb their mental power and create restlessness in themselves. This also initiates in others.

Therefore angry behavior should be controlled in a person. A person can control anger through calming himself in extreme or unfavorable condition. He can tell himself this problem or obstacle will be charged after some time. He can ignore that problem for some time after that problem will be diluted. Ignorance is a big tool to absorb tension and anger. He can stable one’s mind and heart. After some time problem or obstacle may be removed with time.

Therefore when you find anger because of a problem, it should not be represented. But when your anger can help in your task then fire it. Timing anger is also an art. It can make pressure on to your subordinates when it is used with control and certain time. Anger should be handled with care. It can make some work but it an destroy some condition also.
Therefore use your anger in the creative direction, not in the negative direction. It can make your life or can destroy your life also. At the time of problem remain calm and show your anger when you have to encourage your subordinates.